Like Father, Like Sons

Article from the Jasper Journal 3rd Quarter 2019
Written by: Carrie-Ann Jasper-Yearty

Family Spotlight on the Glovers

Mike Glover comes from a long line of draftsmen, so after serving in the Air Force, he went to night school to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. In 2003, when the timing was right, Mike left what had been a secure job at a large local firm and joined EPC. Mike says at that time, it was “a small Mom and Pop.” He and Brenda, his wife of 41 years, felt that God had change plans for him and he needed to follow that plan. “I just knew I was supposed to be here,” Mike shared. The following week, those that remained at his previous employer found out the company had been sold.

Mike’s sons, Adam and Aaron, were 18 and 15 when their father made this move, and neither of them could have known how that decision would affect their futures. Adam and Aaron chose their own career path; when their journeys began, neither of them considered following in Dad’s footsteps.

But 10 years later, Aaron joined the company, and Adam followed a few months after. Although their individual passions and pursuits led them to leave their original roles (Adam moved into leadership and Aaron into marketing and communications), one thing is clear: they agree their Dad inspired them with his strong work ethic and commitment to excellence. And as they have watched their own families grow since becoming a part of the Jasper Ventures family, both sons hope to impart the same values to their children.

In 16 years, Mike has seen a lot of growth as EPC became JV, looking less like the “Mom and Pop” he originally joined and more like the growing company it is today. He says he understands the industry has demanded that JV evolve as it has and that he‘s felt privileged to work with some of the best in the business.

When asked how he has personally grown while working at JV, Mike said he has grown in his spiritual life, become more generous, and is more concerned about others. Mike is now considered as one of those industry legends and works diligently to be a model and encouragement to others.

His younger son Aaron serves as JV Marketing and Communications Coordinator, using his artistic talent and creativity to benefit the company internally and in the surrounding community. A lifelong learner, Aaron obtained both a bachelor’s degree in business and master’s degree in ministry, and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Ministry from Dallas Baptist University. When asked about growth, Aaron said, “I want everything I do to align with my faith. So I have found ways to integrate my faith in my work so as I connect with people here, I do so in the name of Jesus.”

Adam leads the administrative side of JV’s design and drafting team, which has allowed him to practice the leadership skills cultivated in Dave Anderson’s class. This class also lit a fire in him to want to do more at JV and opened his eyes to a different side of the business. As a result, he is taking advantage of the company’s tuition reimbursement program and returned to school to complete the business degree he began years ago.

With a sense of pride, Adam states, “When you see leadership work hard, it inspires you to work hard. This isn’t just the Jasper’s company; it is our company.” Adam has seen those in leadership live out loving God and loving others and appreciates the opportunity to give back to a company that he feels has done so much for his family.

We are pleased to share our latest edition of the Jasper Journal with you! The Jasper Journal is a quarterly publication that takes you behind the scenes and into the core of our corporate culture. The Journal also celebrates the positive impact that Jasper Ventures and its employees are having on our local communities and the lives of those around us. We are now offering a FREE digital subscription so that you automatically receive future editions directly to your inbox! (Subscription NOT required)

Job 347

250 GPM Amine Treating Plant

Designed and fabricated 250 gpm amine treating plant. Shreveport, Louisiana.

Job 420

200 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant

200 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant designed for rich Delaware Basin shale gas (7.0 gal/mscf), 90% ethane recovery, 99+% propane recovery, and includes: Product pumps (1,300 psig discharge pressure), and 30,000 gallon product surge tank Modular MCC building, with 480 volt MCC and 4,160 volt soft starts for three 1,250 HP motors, 4,500 HP refrigeration system, I/A system, ethane rejection and recovery capability.

Job 297

Refurbished Cryogenic Plant

Redesigned and refurbished cryogenic turbo-expander plant with amine product testing. Carthage, Texas.

Job 316

50 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant

Redesigned and refurbished 50 MMSCFD cryogenic turbo-expander plant. Liberty, Texas.

Job 325

35 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

35 MM/D Cryo Plant, Indian Creek Gas Plant, Roberts County, TX, Ex-works Shop.

Job 327

200 MM/D HCDP Plant

200 MM/D HCDP Plant, Sligo, Haughton, LA, Ex-Works Shop.

Job 329, Turnkey

60 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

60 MM/D Cryo Plant, Spearman Gas Plant, Spearman, TX, Turnkey installed.

Job 341, Turnkey

Dehydration Capacity Upgrade

Dehydration Capacity Upgrade, Arapaho 1, Butler, OK, Turnkey Installed.

Job 382

120 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant

120 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant designed for rich Delaware Basin shale gas (6.0 gal/mscf), 90% ethane recovery, 99+% propane recovery, and includes: Product treating system, product pumps (1,300 psig discharge pressure), and 30,000 gallon product surge tank, modular MCC building, with 480 volt MCC and 4,160 volt soft starts for three 1,250 HP motors, 4,500 HP refrigeration system, I/A system, ethane rejection and recovery capability.

Job 387

60 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant

60 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant, Eddy County, NM, including inlet separator, slug catcher, and stabilization for 4,000 bpd of high-pressure hydrocarbon condensate to 770 bpd of stabilized (10 psia RVP) condensate.

Job 388

200 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant

200 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant designed for rich Delaware Basin shale gas (6.0 gal/mscf), 90% ethane recovery, 99+% propane recovery, and includes: Product pumps (1,300 psig discharge pressure), and 30,000 gallon product surge tank, modular MCC building, with 480 volt MCC and 4,160 volt soft starts for three 1,250 HP motors 4,500 HP refrigeration system, I/A system, ethane rejection and recovery capability.

Job 417

200 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant

200 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant designed for rich Delaware Basin shale gas (7.0 gal/f), 90% ethane recovery, 99+% propane recovery, and includes: Product pumps (1,300 psig discharge pressure), and 30,000 gallon product surge tank Modular MCC building, with 480 volt MCC and 4,160 volt soft starts for three 1,250 HP motors 4,500 HP refrigeration system, I/A system, ethane rejection and recovery capability. A high-pressure hydrocarbon condensate stabilization system is included along with an 800 GPM inlet amine treater.

Job 299

20 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant For Counterpoint Energy

Redesigned and refurbished 20 MMSCFD cryogenic plant for CenterPoint Energy. Haughton, Louisiana.

Job 345

60 MMSCFD Refrigeration Addition

Designed and fabricated 60 MMSCFD refrigeration addition to increase recovery. Butler, Oklahoma.

Job 318

30 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

30 MM/D Cryo Plant, Waskom 2, Waskom, TX, Turnkey Installed

Job 321

70 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

70 MM/D Cryo Plant, Waskom 3, Waskom, TX, Turnkey installed

Job 322

25 MMSCFD Refrigeration Plant with Stabilizer

Designed and fabricated 25 MMSCFD refrigeration plant with stabilizer. Pampa, Texas.

Job 326

100 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

100 MM/D Cryo Plant, West Johnson Co Gas Plant, West Johnson County, TX, Phase 2

Job 328, Turnkey

80 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

80 MM/D Cryo Plant, Crossroads Gas Plant, Harrison County, TX, Turnkey installed.

Job 330, Turnkey

60 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

60 MM/D Cryo Plant, Arapaho 2 Gas Plant, Butler, OK, Turnkey installed

Job 331, Turnkey

80 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

80 MM/D Cryo Plant, Carthage 2 Gas Plant, Carthage, TX, Turnkey installed

Job 332

35 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

35 MM/D Cryo Plant, Cobb Gas Plant, Clendinin, WV, Ex-Works

Job 340

120 MM/D Cryogenic Gas Plant

120 MM/D Cryo Plant with Depropanizer, Houston 2 Gas Plant, Houston, PA, Ex-works.

Job 342

500 HP Refrigeration Addition

500 HP Refrigeration Addition, Arapaho 2 & NGL Booster Pump Addition, Arapaho 1, Butler, OK.

Job 408

200 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant

200 MMSCFD Cryogenic Gas Plant designed for rich Delaware Basin shale gas (6.0 gal/mscf), 90% ethane recovery, 99+% propane recovery, and includes: Product pumps (1,300 psig discharge pressure), and 30,000 gallon product surge tank, modular MCC building, with 480 volt MCC and 4,160 volt soft starts for three 1,250 HP motors 4,500 HP refrigeration system, I/A system, ethane rejection and recovery capability.