On December 3, our President, Brent Jasper, and Vice President of People, Carrie-Ann Jasper-Yearty, took a trip with a small group of local business owners and executives to learn more about God’s Kingdom work in the marketplace. The trip was organized and led by Kevin East, President and CEO of the Mentoring Alliance, as an opportunity to show this group of faith-based leaders an inspiring example of a company that is operating with the Kingdom of God in the forefront of their minds, Betenbough Homes of Lubbock, TX. Our executives first visited Betenbough home in September of 2016 and were inspired to bring their faith to the forefront of their workplace efforts.
One of Kevin’s key reminders was for leaders to love their teams well, and deeply. Our leaders were also encouraged and reaffirmed about the purpose of revealing God and His kingdom through all of the work done Jasper Ventures, Inc.
All of our work, careers, and businesses belong to God alone, and we should use all of these things to bring glory to His name.